WHEREAS, Pierre S. duPont, Tax Commissioner on behalf of the Tax Department of the State of Delaware, has reported to me a list of corporations which for two years preceding such report have failed to pay the taxes assessed against them and due by them under the laws of this State.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Walter W. Bacon, Governor of the State of Delaware do hereby issue this proclamation according to the provisions of Sections 75 and 76, Chapter 6, of the Revised Statutes of 1915, as amended, and do hereby declare under this act of the Legislature that the charters of the following corporations, reported as aforesaid, are repealed:
A. B. Powell Co., The, A. F. Cervenka Foundation, Inc., A. J. Hart Company, Abacus Corporation, Ace Club, Ace Development Corporation, Acme Oil Company, Acme Specialty Co., Acme Steel Company of Delaware, Adkins Brothers, Inc., Admiral Housing Co., Inc., Adult Service Foundation, Inc., Advance Constructors Inc., Aircraft Hydraulic Appliances Ltd., Ajax Aircraft Corporation, Al-Roy Properties, Inc., Alabama Gardens, Inc., Albert Wulf, Inc., Alef Corporation, Allen-Brash Corporation, Allen Reforestation Inc., Allied Overseas, Inc., Alpha Lodge No. 25 K. of P., of Delaware, Incorporated, America's Superease-Supersafe Appliance Corporation, American Air Conditioning Co., American Association of Embalming Schools and Colleges, Inc., American Education Finance Corporation, American Legion Building Paris Incorporated, Amstel Corporation, Ancient Order of Hi-. bernians Division Number Seven, of the City of Wilmington, Delaware, The, Applegate Amphibious Aircraft Utility Car Company, Inc., Applied Chemicals, Inc., Argentum Laboratories, Inc., Arlington Hotel Company, Arnold Construction Co., Arthur Goodman Company, Incorporated, The, Arts, Incorporated, Asiatic Scrap Metal Corporation, Associated Civil Employers, Inc., Associated Physicians Service of America, Inc., Astor Builders, Inc., Atep Corporation, Aughinbaugh Canning Company, Auto Parts and Machine Company; Automatic Inventions, Inc., Automotive Redistributing Corporation, Aviation Digest, Incorporated, Aviation Equipment Corporation, Aztec Industries, Inc.
B. C. True Manufacturing Co., Inc.; B M and K Company, Bake-De-Lite, Incorporated, Ball Sanitarium and Health School, Inc., The,, Baltimore Package Company, Bank Control Systems, Inc., Barbasco Corporation of Americas,.Barbey Company, Inc., The, Basic Materials, Inc., Beatty & Co., Inc., Beknel Corporation, The, Bell's Homeo Laboratories, Inc., Belvedere Mortgage Co., Ben R Ditto & Sons, Incorporated, Bennett Investment Corporation, Bennre Manufacturing Corporation, Benny Bratchet Corporation, Berger Bros., Inc., Black Beauty Coal Co., Inc., Blackbird Ditch Co., Bland Mining Company, Inc., Bob Realty Co., Bolling Heights, Inc., Boron Alloys, Inc., Boston, New York and Southern S. S. Co., Inc., Bowling, Incorporated, Bradley Rescue Mission, Inc., Braiger & Sklar, Inc., Bramco, Inc., Brasota Nurseries, Inc., Brassert-Gersman Company, Brazil Central Railroad Company, Brewster Color Pictures Corporation, Bridgeville Auction Block Incorporated, Brazil Finance Corporation, Brazil Investment Company, Bristol Aeronautical Corporation, Bronstein Hardware Company, Brook Construction Corp., Buzza Company, The, Byrd Steamship Line, Inc.
C. & B. Poultry Company, Inc., C. H. Bagg & Son, Inc., C. M. C. Corporation, C. U. Liggit, Inc., California Investment Fund, Inc., Calodel Distributors, Inc., Camin, Inc., Canal Construction Company, Cardinal Properties, Inc., Caribbean Corporation, The, Cedar Grove Poultry Farm, Inc., Certified Products, Inc., Cessna-Magruder Company, The, Charlie Malone, Inc., Chartiers Restaurant Co., Chemicolor Wood Preserving Co., Chester Pure Silk Hosiery Co., Chicago Grocery, Market and Commissary Drivers Union of Chicago and Vicinity, Local 752, Clar-Oyl Products, Inc., Clar-Oyl Sales Co., Clark Aluminum Corporation, Clephane Associates, Inc., Clerc Chemical Corporation, Clough Manganese Corporation, The, Coastfields Oil Corporation, Colloidal Products Corporation, Colonial Commercial Company, Columbia Royalty Corporation, Commonwealth Realty Company, Community Finance Company of Frederick, Maryland, Companhia Commercial E. Constructora, Concord Construction Company, Concord Lumber Company, Consolidated Engineers Corp., Inc., Consolidated Lobe Parachute Corporation, Consolidated Pump Corporation, Consolidated Transportation Company, Coordination Consultants, Inc., Coreless Golf Ball Company, Corporation Finance Co., The, Coupler Corporation of America, Cowlitz Investment Company, Creston Hills Housing Corporation, Crown Tavern, Inc., Crucible Electric Steel Corporation, The, Cuban American Importing Co., Inc., Cumberland Lumber Co.
Dagsboro Council, No. 30 Junior Order United American Mechanics, Danita Hosiery Mills, Inc., David Construction Co., David L. Stern Construction Co., Inc., Day Brothers Engineering Co., Inc., De Mund Engineering Co., Inc., De Passy Patents, Inc., Delaware Bottling Co., Delaware Game and Fish Protective Association, Delaware Hudson Steamship Company, Inc., Delaware Shoe Repairing Inc., Delmak Realty Co., Inc., Delphine Manufacturing Corporation, Denny Funeral Home, Inc., Dickbyrne Corporation, Diesel Towing Corporation, Division No. 7 Hall Company, Dominion Electric Power Company, Double Thread Line Hardware Corporation, Double Thread Screw Company Incorporated, Dupont Circle, Inc.
E. D. L. Manufacturing Co., Inc., E. M. Aiken, Inc., Eastern Hide & Fur Co., Eastern Seaboard Construction Corporation, Eastern Seaboard Protective Association, Eastern States Gas and Oil Corporation, Economy Grocery, Inc., Eddie Dowling Pictures Corporation, Edison Poultry Farms, Inc., El Picacho Mining Corporation, Electro-Inhaler Company, The, Eleven Brothers Laboratories, Inc., Elsmere Gardens, Inc., Elvy Concrete Ships Company, Empire Land Company, Esquire Athletic Association, Exclusive Shops, Inc., The.
F. L. Winston & Co., Inc., F. & M. Realty Co., Fairknolls, Inc., Fairmont School, Inc., Farber Supply Company, Fibrkeg, Inc., First National Bankers of America, Inc., Fiscal Fund, Inc., Fitz-Gibbon & Company, Incorporated, Flint Glass Container Corporation, Fort Stevens Pharmacy, Inc., Franklin Air Compressor Corporation, Franklin Transportation Company, Inc., Fua Laboratories, Inc., Furness Building Company, Frank H. Hodgson, Inc.
G & L. Company, G. W. Corporation, Gee How Oak Tin Association, General Merchandise Corporation, George P. Cargan, Inc., Glen Development Corporation, Globe Mining & Milling Corporation, Gorin Incorporated, Greek Gospel Mission Inc., The, Green Ridge Coal Sales Company, Green River Development Corporation, Grower to Consumer Association, Incorporated, Guild of Executive, Administrative & Professional employees, Inc., The, Gulf Motor Coach Lines, Inc., Gulf States Steel Company.
H. Feinberg, Incorporated, H. Homer Marsh Laboratory, Inc., H. R. Thomson, Inc., H. S. Claypoole, Inc., Hamilton Machine Company, Hammer Consolidated, Inc., Harbor Tavern, Inc., The, Hayden's Dry Cleaning Works, Inc., Heatomatic Corporation, Heller-Hunter Steel Corporation, Henlopen Hotel Company, Henri & Robert, Inc., Herman Glanding Co., High Tensile Linen, Inc., Highmount Realty Corporation, Highway Engineering & Construction Co., Inc., Highway Engineering & Construction Company, Hill Amusement Company, Hilton Corporation, Hollandia Iron & Steel Co., Home Front, Inc., The, Homengineered Plastic Products Corporation, Homengineered Products Corporation, Horn Realty Company, Hub Industries, Inc., Hudson Plastics, Inc., Hy-Kor Products Company, Inc., Hydraulic Motors, Inc.
I. X. L. Cab Company, Impco Coating Mills, Incorporated, Impervious Paper Container Corporation, Independent Finance Company, Injecta, Incorporated, Inter-American Silk Corporation, International Engineering Co., Inc., International Foods, Incorporated, International Life-Saving Water-Making Cup Corporation, International Reassemble of The Church of Freedom League, Inc., The, Island Realty Company.
J. F. Smith, Incorporated, J. J. White, Inc., Jack H. Meers, Inc., Jackson Marvel, Inc., Jackson Mining Company, James Pryor Coal Co., Jefferson Food Market. Inc., Jefferson Printing Co., JerStan Supply Co., Jerry Realty Co., John A. Grey Corporation, John Deaver Properties, Inc., John J. Weber & Company, John V. Rice, Jr., Corporation.
K and L Oil Company, Katharine Lee Ogilvie, Inc., Keep'Em Flying, Inc., Kitty's Sandwich Shoppe, Inc., Knights of Jerome, The Sons of Nevi, Inc., The, Konjola, Inc.
L. E. Rohlader, Inc., L. & H. Transportation Co., Inc., L. J. Christopher Company, La Mont Licensing, Limited, La Verne Chemical Company, Lackawanna Producing and Refining Co., Lane Oil Company, Lane-Okra Oil Company, Lascose, Inc., Lebanon Steel & Iron Corporation, Lecap Realty Corporation, Leitch Manufacturing Company of Delaware, Inc., Leon Raesly Organization, Inc., Lewes Hosiery Mill Company, Lincoln Fibre & Specialty Co., Lincoln Fuel Company, Incorporated, Lindley C. Kent Company, Lipman Patents Corporation, Lite Products Corporation, Locust Dale Coal Mining Company, Lone Star Hosiery Mills, Inc., Lux Refrigeration Service, Inc.
Macon Oil Company, Madso Holding Company, Maine Automatic Wood Co., Inc., Management Associates, Inc., Manufacturers' Enterprise Corporation, Marana Mines Corporation, Marine Equipment Sales Corporation, Martin-Szekely Manufacturing Corporation, Mastergrip Anchor & Sales Corporation, Mattacchione Co., Mayfair Incorporated, The, McClevey Hogenmiller Pacific Company, McKee Soda Bars, Inc., McMahon Corporation, Mechanical Printcraft Club, Inc., Metoloy Corporation, Mexican Sinclair Petroleum Corporation, Miami Steamship Company, Mid-Continent Corp., Midwest City Sewage Disposal Plant Operating Co., Millville Council Number Thirty-Seven Junior Order United American Mechanics, Miracle Manufacturing Corporation, Modern American Homes, Inc., Montgomery Hills Tavern, Incorporated, Morse-Ashland Apartments, Inc., Mountain Clays, Inc.
Nanco, Inc., Nassau and Suffolk Building & Construction Workers Union, National Armor Plate Corporation, National Arms Corporation, National Association for Hospitalization of Negroes, Inc., National Capital Mortgage Company, The, National Demonstration Homes Corporation, National Industries, Inc., National New Deal Democratic Club, Inc., National Soybean Products Co., The, National Steel Recovery and Construction Co., Inc., National Theatres Syndicate of California, Netherland Incorporated, New Castle County Hosiery Workers Association, Inc., New Gas Company, Inc., The, New Jersey Standard Bearer Association, Inc., New York Costume Company, Niagara Abrasive Products Corporation, Non-Metallics & Manufacturing Company, The, Norcrete Corporation, Norman Housing Corporation, Northern Coals, Inc.
O. A. Scott Industries, Inc., Oil Ventures Corporation, Oklahoma City Housing Corporation, Old Dutch Oil & Gas Co., Ore Reductions, Inc., Osage Tribe No. 39, Improved Order of Red Men of Wilmington, Delaware, Owl Construction Company, Inc.
Pacific Export Steamship Company, Inc., Palmer Development Corporation, Pan American Film Corporation, Pan-American Plastics, Inc., Penn Coal and Lumber Corporation, Penn Communities Corporation, Pennsylvania Granite Company, Pentecostal Church of America, Inc., Peoples Mortgage Corporation, Peoria Dr. Pepper Bottling Co., Perfect Ashler Lodge No. 25 F. & A. M., Inc., Petroleum, Inc., Philadelphia & Eastern Airlines, Inc., Philadelphia Eye Institute, Inc., Photometric Products Corporation, Piedmont Exploration Company, Pierce & Pierce, Inc., Pine Creek Placers, Inc., Pinya, Inc., Pittsburgh Steel Drum Company, Plastic Shoe Materials, Inc., Plymouth Realty Company, Polin, Inc., Pomeroy Development Corporation, Port Isabel Corporation, Portugal America Corporation, Precision Instrument Corporation, Precitube Corporation, Pryor Housing Corporation, Purple Iris Inn, Inc., Purvis Institute, Inc., The, Pyramid Development Company.
R. I. Jones Machines, Inc., R. L. Taylor Motor Company, Inc., R. T. Brock, Inc., Radial Engines Inc.,Rancho San Carlos, Inc., Rayner Sand Testing Tool Corporation, Reba Co., The, Reddir Inc., Regla Impokting Corporation, Rehoboth-Indian Beach Club and Development Company, Reliable Loan Service Company, The, Rental Properties, Inc., Reppert Coal Corporation, Republic Stationers, Inc., Rex Construction Company, Inc., Richards Scientific Corporation, Rike Automatic Gastector Co., Ringless Piston Corporation of America, Rioval Petroleum Corporation, Robert Emmett Hunt, Inc., Rockwood Oil Co., Rodgers Production Corp., Rotary Fruit & Steamship Co., Royal Canadian Oil Syndicate, Royal Linoleum Co., Inc., The, Rudnick Live Stock Sales Co., Ruth Cleves Corporation, The.
S. Goldberg Mfg. Co. Inc., S. Saxe Co., Sacred Drama Guild of America, Inc., Sam Chesler, Inc., Sanderson Hotel Operating Co., Inc., Sans Bois Coal Company, Sao Paulo Northern Railroad Company, Securities Investment Corporation, Security Automatic Heating Service, Inc., Seltzer's Hairdressers Incorporated, Service Center, Inc., Shamokin Hotel Corporation, Shingle Beauty Shoppe, Inc., Shuster & Sons, Inc., Sigma Alpha Gamma Sorority, Inc., Sigwald, Ltd., Silver State Baking Co., Inc., Sixth Ward Republican Club, Small-Mitchell Contractors, Inc., Smith Motors, Inc., Solidifiers, Inc., Sooner Tire & Supply Company, Sorenson Company, The, South American Oil Refineries, Ltd., Southern Ball Clay Company, Southern Construction Co., Inc., Spark-King Corporation, The, Speakman Employees Union, Inc., Spirit of America, Inc., The, Spokesmen, Inc., Star Corporation, Star Syndicate, Story Real Estate Company, Successors to Quarto Syndicate, Inc., Sun Construction Co., Sunshine Astrogical Motion Picture Corporation, Superior Dining Car Corporation.
T. and C. Athletic Association, Inc., T-H Enterprises, Inc., T. Joseph Lehan Company, Inc., Tanacre Corporation, The, Tasko Industries, Incorporated, Tax Research and Audit Co., Televolt Corporation, Texas Sales Corporation, The, Theatrical Management, Investment and Exploitation Corporation, Thirst Quenchers of Brooklyn, Inc., Thirst Quenchers of Savannah, Inc., Three Dimensions, Inc., Tid Bits, Inc., Tire Tractor Corporation, Tolland Manufacturing Co., Inc., Townsend Fire Company, Trailerships, Inc., Trainer Corporation, The, Trans-American Pipeline Corporation, Transatlantic Can Corporation, Travel Check Corporation, Tri-Putt Company, The, Triangle Manufacturing Company, Triplex Safety Glass Company of North America, Tuff Oil Products, Inc., Tulsa Rental Properties, Inc., Tunnell Map Company of Delaware, Incorporated, Twentieth Century Builders, Inc., Twentieth Century Home Builders, Inc., 219 Lake Shore Drive, Inc., 201 West Broad Street Corporation.
U and S Mining & Developing Company, U. S. Realty and Development Co., Ulrich Manufacturing Corporation, United Cemeteries, Inc., Unity Gold Production Company, Unity Investment Corporation, Universal Accounting Systems, Inc., Universal Housing & Development Corporation, University of Sulgrave and Federated Colleges Incorporated.
"V" Cutter Corporation, Valley Supply Company, Van Asdlen-Newport, Inc., Van Karner Ordnance Corporation, Victory Mining Corporation.
W. A. Ellis, Inc., W. Miller, IncorpOrated, Washington Loan Association, Inc., Waubesa Corporation. The, Waupaca Company, Inc., The, Weatherizing Corporation of America, Weekly Events, Inc., Welders, Inc., West Virginia Manganese & Iron Corporation, Western Undertaking Company, White Cloud Gold Mines, Inc., Whitehall Letter, Inc., The, Wilco Agency, Inc., Willard Finance Incorporated, William G. Price Companies, Inc., Wilmington Jobbing Co., Wilmington Laundry Co., Wilson Manufacturing Corporation, Winchester-Summit Corporation, Winston Philip Corporation, Wolpe Realty Corporation, Inc., Wyo-Colo Oil & Gas Corporation.
Young Men's Christian Association of Seaford, Delaware, The, Yourkevitch Ships Designs, Inc., Yuen Loy, Inc.
Zephyr Equipment Corporation.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Great Seal of the State of Delaware at Dover, this eighteenth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and forty-seven, and of the Independence of the United States of America, the one hundred and seventy-first.
By the Governor:
WILLIAM J. STOREY, Secretary of State.