AN ACT in relation to the Indices of the Records of New Castle County.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met:

Section 1. Whenever the index or indices of any record of the Superior Court of the State of Delaware in and for New Castle County, or of any record of the office of the Register of Wills of said County, or of any record of the office of the Recorder of said County, or of any record of the Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware in and for said County, or of any record of the Orphans' Court of the State of Delaware in and for said County, shall need renewing, revising, altering or recopying, or any of said records not being sufficiently indexed shall be in need of a new or better system of ascertaining its contents, the Superior Court of the State of Delaware sitting in and for said County shall have power to order and direct that a renewed, revised, altered, recopied or sufficient index or indices shall be made for any of the said records of the said Superior Court, Register of Wills or Recorder; the Chancellor of the State of Delaware sitting in and for said County shall have like power to order and direct that a renewed, revised, altered, recopied or sufficient index or indices shall be made for any of the said records of the said Court of Chancery; and the said Judges of the Orphans' Court of the State of Delaware sitting in and for said County shall have like power to order and direct that a renewed, revised, altered, recopied or sufficient index or indices shall be made for any of the said records of the said Orphans' Court.

Section 2. Whenever a new index or indices are made for the records of Judgments, Mechanics Liens, Foreign or Domestic Attachments, Mortgages or Recognizances the said new index or indices shall omit all such as have been fully and legally satisfied. No other change shall be made in the manner or system of keeping any index except by direction of the said Judges of the said Superior Court, Chancellor reasonable access to and examination of all books, records and papers relating to their several departments or offices, beginning with the earliest records to the year Eighteen Hundred, for the purposes of this Act.

Section 5. That the Governor shall appoint biennially on the first clay of May, for a term of two years the members of this Division of Public Records, and all of said members so appointed, shall serve without compensation.

Section 6. This Act shall take effect from and after the first day of April, A. D. Nineteen Hundred and Five.

Approved, March 16, A. D. 1905.